Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wadsworth Falls, Middlefield CT

Wadsworth Falls State Park is a nice little group of woods between Middletown and Middlefield.. The main park with formal entry (fee) showcases some great hiking trails. However- If you are ever in the area i would advise a visit to the small (free) park that houses one of the best waterfalls in the state.
Besides having a great waterfall- within a quick walk from the parking area, you can be walking along small trail that follows the Coginchaug River.
It's also a great place to set up a nice picnic- bring a lunch and some bocce balls, and just relax to the waterfall crashing in the background. And for the photographers- bring your cameras because the waterfall is awesome in any season!
Here's a close up shot of the falls with the water level lower than usual. Sometimes you catch it pouring thousands of gallons per second... sometimes it's just a trickle, the waterfall is always different- which makes it unique!
Wadsworth Falls full view, what a great spot to appreciate- with everything going on in the world it's nice to know you can make a quick stop and just experience such great nature. Here's some wiki info for you- "The falls are named after Clarence C. Wadsworth, who owned the property where the park now exists. He had a fine reputation in academics, and studied linguistics avidly. He settled in Middletown Connecticut, home of Wesleyan University- it became his passion for 45 years to preserve Wadsworth Falls. His will established the Rockfall Corporation, which is tasked to maintain the protection of the land, plants, and animals in his estate. In 1942, 267 acres (1.08 km2) of the estate were given to the State of Connecticut. The park is now operated by the Department of Environmental Protection and is open every day until sunset."
No Swimming, sorry- however when it comes time to pay to get into the other park this one gets a little crowded, A lot of out of towners leave trash and litter in the picnic area and trails during that time, it's unfortunate- everyone should follow the Local Hike Motto: "Remember to take only photographs and leave only footprints."
Technology meets nature. And i highly suggest bringing your cameras! Everyone should get outside and enjoy the great outdoors- especially the local ones we have in our area. This park is a great starting point for anyone looking for some quick fresh air. With it's unique meandering river and rushing falls- all within a quick walk from the parking lot it's a local gem that we should be proud of! If you haven't been to the falls lately i would make it a point to stop by and soak up some fun local nature!